Energy & company vehicles: - 47% by 2030
Scope 1 & 2 encompass fuel combustion of company cars, natural gas consumption, refrigerant losses of airconditioning and purchased electricity. We are taking all possible measures to reduce these emissions with 47% by 2030.
Our climate initiatives include amongst others:
- Reduce energy consumption from the building through efficiency measures across heating and electricity
- Increase solar capacity and switch to 100% green electricity in all buildings
- Convert car fleet to electric cars and/or ebikes
- Shift from natural gas to biogas
- Minimise waste and phase out potent coolants
Travelling, commuting & waste: - 28% by 2030
The factors measured within scope 3 encompass waste, employee commuting, transmission loss of fuel and electricity consumption and business travel. Our aim is to reduce these emissions with 28% by 2030.
Our climate initiatives include amongst others:
- Shift from conventional cars to electric for commuting
- Shift from conventional private cars to train/bike through incentives (cafetariaplan, bicycle allowance)
- Shift treatment of nonwoven waste from incineration to recycling
- Increase telework, up to 15% of the total working days in a year
- Reduce business travels and shift from economy class short-haul flights to high-speed or night trains
- Reduce total waste volume generated by further optimalization of waste management
Arte's CO2 emissions